
Did you Know?

  • MDH reported that for the first time in nearly 17 years youth tobacco rates increased in 2018, largely due to the 50% increase in teen e-cigarette use.
  • Did you know that in a recent student survey, 87% of middle/high school students felt their parents would think it was wrong for them to use e-cigarettes?

  • The numerous health impacts from aerosolized products combined with the addictive nature of nicotine can have long-lasting impacts on youth brain development.

  • Vape devices have nicotine in them, as well as other chemicals like formaldehyde.

Resources for Parents:

Minnesota Department of Health: E-Cigarettes and Other Vaping Products

CDC: Know the Risks: Talk with Your Teen About E-cigarettes: A Tip Sheet for Parents

CDC: Electronic Cigarettes

Partnership for Drug-Free Kids: What Parents Need to Know

Videos about E-cigarettes/Vaping:

Twin Cities Medical Society: Vaping, What Parents Should Know (23:22)

CDC: Any Volunteers? The Risks of E-Cigarettes for Young People (00:30)

Minnesota Department of Health: PSA: What Parents Need to Know about the Dangers of E-Cigarettes and Vaping (00:28) 

Presentations for groups or organizations:

Austin Positive Action Coalition (APAC) and the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) have collaborated and created a presentation discussing the dangers of vaping and how it affects a young developing brain. If your group, club or organization is interested in learning more please contact:

Chris Weis
Community Health Specialist  |  507.440.9240

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