RBST Survey

What is Responsible Beverage Server Training (RBST)?

RBST refers to educating professional and volunteer servers and sellers of alcohol about strategies to avoid illegally selling alcohol to underage youth or intoxicated patrons.

What are the Goals?

Help bar and restaurant servers, volunteers and non-profits understand:
• state, local, and establishment-level alcohol policies
• potential consequences for failing to comply with such policies
• job loss & criminal liability for volunteer servers/sellers, civil liability and increased insurance costs for non-profits

Provide the necessary skills to:
• comply with these policies to keep the community safe
• avoid criminal and civil consequences for non-profits and volunteer servers/sellers

Why is Regular Attendance at RBST Important?

Some people may think that only businesses need to receive training, or that attending training once is adequate to learn responsible beverage service/sales. However, it is important for bar and restaurant servers to keep current with the laws and trends as well. Attending annual training helps ensure that all employees and volunteers receive up-to-date information. On-going training helps obtain desired outcomes — no legal
violation and a safe community for all of

What are Compliance Checks & How do these Relate to RBST?

As a tool to prevent the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of 21, the Austin Police Department conducts compliance checks. Adults under 21 years old, under the supervision of a peace officer, will come into Austin area businesses and special events during the next year to attempt to purchase alcoholic beverages.

We want every attempt denied by requesting proper ID every time & refusing the sale if proper ID is not provided. This should become a standard practice for all transactions—No ID, No Sale. Our goal is 100% Compliance.

Who are the Trainers?

The trainers will be from the Austin Police Department who have been trained by the MN Department of Public Safety, Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division.

What Topics will be Covered?
• The importance of checking age identification of all customers who appear under the age of 30.
• How to identify fake IDs and what to do once a fake ID is confiscated.
• How to recognize situations in which adults are buying alcohol for underage youth.
• How to refuse sales to individuals who may supply alcohol to underage youth.
• How to identify intoxicated customers.
• How to refuse service to underage youth and intoxicated customers.

Is there a Cost to Attend?

This is a FREE training offered by the Austin Positive Action Coalition and the Austin Police Department as a service to area non-profit organizations and service clubs. RBST is a joint effort to reduce youth access to alcohol and increase public safety. We highly encourage you to take advantage of this free training!

What Other Benefits do I Receive?

Many insurance companies offer discounts for non-profits that have their employees and/or volunteers attend RBST trainings. Check with your carrier to see what discounts may be available to you.

Save $100! Off-sale license will be reduced according to the Austin Ord. 5.31.
• Participants who attend the entire training will receive a Certificate of Attendance.
• An officer from the Austin Police Department will be present to answer any specific questions you may have.
• Complimentary non-alcoholic beverages and snacks will be provided.

RBST Training

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