RBST Training

Posted on Apr 4, 2022

What is Responsible Beverage Server Training (RBST)? 

RBST refers to educating professional and volunteer servers and sellers of alcohol about strategies to avoid illegally selling alcohol to underage youth or intoxicated patrons.

What are the Goals?

Help bar and restaurant servers, volunteers and non-profits understand:

• state, local, and establishment-level alcohol policies

• potential consequences for failing to comply with such policies

• job loss & criminal liability for volunteer servers/sellers, civil liability and increased insurance costs for non-profits

Provide the necessary skills to:

• comply with these policies to keep the community safe

• avoid criminal and civil consequences for non-profits and volunteer servers/sellers

Why is Regular Attendance at RBST Important?

82% of attendee believe this training should be required for all alcohol beverage servers.  71% believe servers should attend this training annually. SOURCE: RBST survey Nov2021

Some people may think that only businesses need to receive training, or that attending training once is adequate to learn responsible beverage service/sales. However, it is important for bar and restaurant servers to keep current with the laws and trends as well. Attending annual training helps ensure that all employees and volunteers receive up-to-date information. On-going training helps obtain desired outcomes — no legal violations and a safe community for all of us.


Oballa Oballa  (507) 440 2835
Parenting Resource Center (507) 437-8330


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